Express Cash Payday Loan - Instant Cash Advance
Are you in need of urgent money? If you are, then you can easily apply for an express cash payday loan for an amount of up to $1500. The procedure is extremely convenient - all you have to do is to apply through an online application form. On approval the money would get deposited into your account within the next 24 hours.
While getting an express cash payday loan is quite simple and quick, choosing the right company is often a time consuming job. Here are a few things that should be kept in mind while choosing the payday loan company.
Tips To Help You Choose A Good Lender
Make sure that you shop around for a reputed cash advance company that is able to give you a good deal. Ensure that you have an answer to all the below mentioned questions before you apply for the loan:
o What are the fees and the interest rate charged by the company?
o How long is the processing time of the application form?
o How much time does the loan approval process take?
o What are the repayment policies of the company?
o What happens if the borrower is not able to repay the amount on the due date?
o Does the payday loan company conduct a telephonic or a personal credit check?
While the answers to most of the questions mentioned above would be in your favor, it is still very important to get answers to all your queries before you apply for your express cash payday loan.
Let us now go through the eligibility criteria that are set up by most of the payday loan companies.
Requisites In Order To Be Eligible For The Loan
Only those who fulfill all the below mentioned requisites are eligible for a payday loan. Make sure that you fall within this category so that your loan is approved immediately:
o The borrower needs to be at least 18 years of age and should be a citizen of the US.
o He should have a regular income of not less than $1500 per month.
o He should have been in his current employment for the past six months and should have also been residing in the same house for the past six months.
o A valid checking account is another pre-requisite.
o The borrower would have to submit a post-dated check of the borrowed amount to the lender.
While an express cash payday loan can save you in times of financial need, try not to make these loans, a habit. They could lead you into a debt trap!
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