How To Save Money With Instant Online Cash Loans - Tips For When You Have To Juggle Your Credit
Caught short till payday ? It happens to us all at some stage. Family emergency, overdue accounts or just need extra cash for that big night out, whatever your problem there is a fast and efficient instant cash solution and it doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg.
Consider this scenario. You had an unforeseen emergency last week and spent all your cash. Today is Tuesday, two more days till payday. Your credit account is due today by direct debit from your bank account. The monthly payment is only $50, but if the payment is late you receive a whopping $30+ late charge. To make matters worse, when your credit account provider tries to complete the direct debit from your bank account, your bank account will automatically be overdrawn leading to more expensive bank charges. That $50 payment, if you cannot make it, could easily end up costing you closer to $100, not to mention the headache and uncannily embarrassing timing of the pestering phone reminders from the credit provider.
Sound familiar? Well consider this much less stressful alternative. Contact a reputable online payday cash loan provider and complete a simple, no paperwork, no credit check, online loan application. The minimum loan amount is $100. If you are currently employed the loan will be approved almost instantly and the cash deposited directly into your bank account within an hour. A quick and efficient solution to your immediate cash flow problem.
What about paying back the loan? There are some good lenders out there who offer low flat rate loans. Typically you could expect a $100 instant online payday cash loan to cost between $120 and $130. In other words the loan has a flat rate fee of $20 - $30 per $100 borrowed. While to many this may sound expensive, lets compare the two options.
Option 1:
$50 debt plus $30 late payment fee, add a minimum bank overdraw fee of $5. The total cost of not being able to pay your $50 bill is at a minimum $85. This equals a 70% interest fee for late payment. In many cases the cost could be much higher.
Option 2:
Borrow $100 from a reputable instant online cash loan provider. Pay a flat rate fee of $20 -$30. The total cost of the loan, including all fees and charges can be as little as $120. This equals a 20% interest charge on the loan.
You can save up to 50% on possible late fees and bank charges by using instant online cash loans to get you out of a short term cash crisis.
Food for thought.
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