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Monday, July 8, 2013

Quick Payday Cash Loan - Get A Low Cost Cash Advance

Whenever you need some extra bucks to take care of a financial emergency, a quick payday cash loan will provide you the instant cash that you need. A cash advance is a short term loan for a small amount of money, granted against your next paycheck, to cover any immediate expenses you might be faced with, be it medical bills or utility bills or to prevent a check from bouncing.

Competition Reduces Interest Rates

With the easy operational procedures, the quick payday cash loan industry has grown at an exponential rate. This has led to the creation of a highly competitive market in the payday loan sector. Lenders have been forced to cut down interest rates and maintain transparency and fairness in their dealings with their customers. Today, you can get a fast loan for a $100 amount for as low as $15 for 2-week period! Not only that, payday lending companies also come up with zero or no interest schemes for new customers! So a little bit of online research in this area will be worth your time and effort.

Easy To Qualify For

A quick cash payday loan is the easiest loan to qualify for today, with no requirement of any lengthy project report submissions or credit checks. You may need the money for anything, your cash loan will be approved as long as you are over 18 years old, have a permanent address, an active bank account where the money can be directly wired and a regular source of income, salary or pension.

Some quick payday loan companies impose certain other requirements too. For instance, they may want that you should be earning a minimum of $1000 a month. Some others require you to have been in employment with the same firm for 3 months, prior to taking the loan. Generally speaking, the more stringent the rules, the better rates you can get.

And although payday loans don't require any credit check for approval, you may be asked to fax your bank statement and last few pay stubs as proof of income. You can get a faxless quick payday cash loan too, in which you won't be required to fax any paperwork. However, the rates on such a loans are slightly higher. Although, the difference would be just a few dollars for 2 weeks, but, it can amount to a considerable sum, if you are borrowing a large amount of money, like say $1000, or if you need to extend your payday loan beyond 2 weeks.


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